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Planning Board Minutes-Sept. 11, 2006
Minutes for the Meeting of
September 11, 2006


        Chairman Philip Lindquist called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

        Members Present:        Philip Lindquist, Chairman
                                Joan DiLillo, Vice Chairman
                                David Nagle, Clerk
                                Gordon Coyle, Member
                                Richard Flynn, Member

        Others Present: Town Planner Noreen O’Toole
                                Administrative Assistant Barbara Ferguson


        Acceptance of Minutes of Meeting of August 21, 2006

        Motion to accept the minutes of the meeting of August 21, 2006: Joan DiLillo
        Second: David Nagle
        Vote: 5-0


        Master Plan Committee

        Town Planner Noreen O’Toole asked Chairman Philip Lindquist and Gordon Coyle how they were coming with their review of the draft of the town’s new master plan and were told their review has not been completed.  Both Board members are also members of the Master Plan Committee.  Mr. Lindquist asked Ms. O’Toole to see if it would be possible to increase the size of the maps to 11 x 17.

        Hanson Trails Committee

        Ms. O’Toole said that Hanson Trails Committee would be meeting on September 12, 2006 at 7 p.m. in the lunchroom at Town Hall.

        Zoning Bylaw Committee

        Ms. O’Toole advised the Board that member of the Zoning Bylaw Committee would be attending the September 25, 2006 hearing before the Board for the review of zoning bylaw amendments proposed for the October 1, 2006 special town meeting.

        Old Colony Planning Council Joint Transportation Committee

        Ms. O’Toole told the Board that the Old Colony Planning Council Joint Transportation Committee would be meeting on September 14, 2006.

        Other Matters

        Ms. O’Toole gave Board members a packet for their review relating to a 25+ acre parcel on Franklin Street that is being removed from Chapter 61A status which gives the town first refusal rights on the property for which there is a purchase and sales agreement for $1,050,001.00.

        Board members reviewed a proposed Release of Covenant for an industrial subdivision off Franklin Street which was never constructed.  The release was prepared by the land owner’s attorney. Administrative Assistant Barbara Ferguson was requested to recreate the release on letterhead paper for signing at the next Board meeting.

        Ms. O’Toole presented Board members with a copy of her contract for their signatures.  She said that the only change was in the dates.  The three-year contract is for the period beginning July 1, 2006 and ending June 30, 2009.

        Motion to sign the three-year contract for the Town Planner: Joan DiLillo
        Second: Richard Flynn
        Vote: 5-0

        Ms. O’Toole told Board members that the engineer they wanted to hire to revise their rules and regulations had received verbal confirmation from the Ethics Commission that there was no conflict with his regular job but was still waiting for written confirmation.  Board members said he could begin the process based on the verbal confirmation.


        Peter Palmieri, Merrill Associates
        Deer Hill Extension

        Mr. Palmieri, whose firm is representing the developer of Deer Hill Extension, told the Board that after two years of negotiations with National Heritage, the development is ready to move forward.  As National Heritage is requiring 70 percent open space based on the receipt of information that the area is a habitat for the box turtle, there will be restrictions placed in the deeds of those who purchase lots in the subdivision and two parcels are to be set aside.  There will be no changes to the infrastructure, Mr. Palmieri said. He recommended that the Board endorse the original subdivision plan submitted and then consider a Form A plan for the two new parcels.  The parcels would have conservation restrictions and be owned by the Homeowners’ Association, he said. Mr. Palmieri said that he would have the owner send a letter to the Board together with all related legal documents and then he would return with the mylars of the original plan for the Board to sign as well as a Form A plan for the two new parcels.


        Letter from John W. DeLano and Associates
        Edgewood Estates

        Board members reviewed an August 30, 2006 letter from John W. DeLano and Associates, Inc. to the developer of Edgewood Estates indicating that water levels in the detention area do not correlate with recent rainfall events and requesting a meeting with the developer’s design engineer at the site to determine a solution.

        Letter from Highway Surveyor
        Alden Way, Gray Lane, Stringer Lane

        Board members reviewed a September 11, 2006 letter from Highway Surveyor Richard Harris indicating that he had met with the contractor for the Alden Way subdivision who requested that the Highway Department mark the catch basins to be repaired and adjusted to grade. At a subsequent site visit, Mr. Harris said, he noticed that all of the catch basins in the subdivision were adjusted with concrete brick rather than the clay bricks required in the Planning Board Rules and Regulations.  He requested that the Board advise the developer of this situation.

        Brookside Estates
        Phase 1 & 2
        Inspection Reports, P.M.P. Associates

        Board members took home for review August 14, 15, 17, 23, and 25 Construction Observation Reports and an Record of Telephone Conversation from P.M.P. Associates, their review engineer for Brookside Estates Phase 1 and 2.


        Millennium Estates Update

        Ms. O’Toole told the Board that the contractor for Millennium Estates will be working with the Highway Department to make sure the subdivision roadway system is ready for acceptance at the October 1 special town meeting.


        Application of Jessie Stalker for a variance/special permit to allow for the replacement and raising the height of an existing roof that requires adequate ventilation and meets height requirements at 193 Waltham Street, Assessors Map 2, Lot 221.  Property is located in Residence Zone.

        COMMENT:  Board defers to Board of Appeals


        Motion to adjourn: Joan DiLillo
        Second: David Nagle
        Vote: 5-0